Brigade CPR LLC

Class Enrollment

Class Registration
ACLS / BLS / PALS Renewal Combination $345
Date/Time: Mon 3/31/2025 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Location: 430 West Merrick RD, Suite 18, Valley Stream, NY 11580
Class Price: $345.00

Basic Life Support Healthcare Provider Course

The BrigadeCPR, LLC BLS Healthcare Provider Course is designed to provide CPR classes to a wide variety of healthcare professionals giving them the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner. The course is intended for certified or noncertified, licensed or non-licensed healthcare professionals.

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Course

The American Heart Association's Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support course provided through BrigadeCPR LLC is designed for healthcare providers who either direct or participate in the resuscitation of a patient, whether in or out of the hospital. Through the ACLS course, providers will enhance their skills in the treatment of the adult victim if a cardiac arrest or other cardiopulmonary emergencies. ACLS emphasizes the importance of basic life support CPR to patient survival, the integration of effective basic life support with advanced cardiovascular life support interventions, and the importance of effective team interaction and communication during resuscitation.

Pediatric Advanced Life Support Course

The American Heart Association's Pediatric Advanced Life Support course provided through BrigadeCPR LLC is based on science evidence from the 2005 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The goal of the PALS course is to aid the pediatric healthcare provider in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently and effectively manage critically ill infants and children, resulting in improved outcomes. Skills taught include recognition and treatment of infants and children at risk for cardiopulmonary arrest; the systematic approach to pediatric assessment; effective respiratory management; defibrillation and synchronized cardioversion; intraossous access and fluid bolus administration; and effective resuscitation team dynamics.

Course Cost =$350